The Ultimate Guide to Wholesale SIP Trunking for Businesses

Why Wholesale SIP Trunking is Key for Modern Businesses

Wholesale SIP trunking has become a foundational service for telco dealers, agents and IT consultants wanting to help their customers transition to modern communication solutions. This technology leverages the internet to handle voice calls, replacing traditional PRI lines. Here’s what you need to know if you are interested in reselling SIP trunking solutions:

  • Overview: Wholesale SIP trunking allows businesses to make and receive calls over the internet, reducing the need for outdated phone lines.
  • Importance: It offers cost-efficiency, scalability, and enhanced features like Direct Inward Dial (DID) numbers and e911 services.
  • Market Growth: The market for SIP trunks has been expanding rapidly, reaching $12 billion in 2021 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 14.1% by 2032. This growth is driven by the demand for flexible and cost-effective communication solutions.

Understanding these points can help you determine if wholesale SIP trunking fits your business needs, enabling you to offer advanced communication options to your clients and grow your revenue.

Infographic on SIP trunking importance and market growth - sip trunk wholesale infographic brainstorm-4-items

What is Wholesale SIP Trunking?

Wholesale SIP trunking is a way for businesses to expand their service offerings by selling another established provider’s SIP trunks. SIP trunks allow companies to replace traditional phone lines with internet-based services, providing flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. With so many companies having remote and hybrid workers and flexible workspaces, these benefits are obvious – and a great opportunity for resellers.

Understanding SIP Trunking

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is a technology used to initiate, maintain, and terminate real-time sessions that involve voice, video, and messaging applications. SIP trunking is the process of transmitting these communications over the internet, rather than through traditional phone lines.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is the technology that enables voice communication over the internet. A PBX (Private Branch Exchange) is the internal telephone network used within a company. SIP trunking connects the PBX to the internet, allowing for seamless communication both internally and externally.

Think of SIP trunking as replacing a bundle of physical phone wires with a virtual phone line that runs over the internet. This connection enables businesses to make and receive calls via their internet connection, merging voice and data into a single network.

Benefits of Partnering with a Wholesale SIP Trunking Provider

By reselling SIP trunks, you can offer prospects and customers telecom solutions with several compelling benefits:

Cost Savings

Traditional phone lines can be expensive, with high local and long-distance fees. SIP trunks eliminate these costs by consolidating voice and data traffic over a single internet connection. Businesses only pay for what they use, making it a more economical choice.


With SIP trunking, businesses can easily scale their communication needs. Adding or removing lines is straightforward, unlike traditional phone systems that require significant pre-planning. This flexibility is especially beneficial for seasonal businesses or those experiencing rapid growth.


SIP trunking allows for on-demand adjustments. Companies can add channels, trunks, or minutes as needed, without long-term commitments. This adaptability makes it easier to respond to changing business needs.

Unified Communications

By combining voice and data networks, SIP trunking supports unified communications features such as instant messaging, video conferencing, presence, screen sharing, and more. This integration streamlines operations and enhances collaboration within the organization.

Unified Communications - sip trunk wholesale

These benefits make SIP trunking an attractive option for businesses looking to modernize their communication infrastructure, reduce costs, and improve operational efficiency.

Why Reselling SIP Trunking Is Popular

Recurring, Predictable Monthly Revenue

Businesses love predictable income, and who doesn’t want to add more revenue? By working with a wholesale SIP trunk services provider, you gain a steady, recurring monthly revenue stream. Once you set up a customer, you earn a commission every month for the life of the subscription. There’s some initial setup work and occasional technical support, but the ongoing revenue far outweighs these minor efforts. This model shifts you away from relying on unpredictable hardware sales.

Loyal Customers

Your customers already trust you for telecom solutions. Adding SIP and VoIP services strengthens this relationship. They get cost savings and enhanced features, and you capture a larger share of their telecom spend. This builds loyalty and increases your value to them.

Painless Deployments and Easy Administration

Setting up traditional phone systems can be a hassle. With SIP trunking, there’s no waiting for physical phone lines. Provisioning is done in real-time, and you can configure settings on-demand. An online control panel makes it simple to get customers up and running quickly.

Increased Profitability

Here’s how expanding your service offerings with SIP trunking helps you offer additional services that boost profitability:

  • Direct Inward Dial (DID) numbers
  • Inbound toll-free services
  • e911
  • Fax over IP or Fax to Email
  • International Long Distance

These value-added services make each account more profitable and meet diverse customer needs.

Real-Time Provisioning

With real-time provisioning, you can add SIP trunks and channels instantly. This flexibility is a game-changer, especially for businesses with fluctuating needs. Your customers get what they need when they need it, and you can manage everything through a user-friendly portal.

Online Control Panel

An online control panel simplifies administration. You can handle billing or, depending on your service provider, allow the provider to handle all billing and taxation. Your billing is branded with your logo, so customers perceive it as coming from you and only you. You can manage any service modifications and customer support without constant provider interaction, unless you need support.

The best wholesale SIP trunk service providers will offer you top-tier support so you can be responsive in troubleshooting issues for your customers. This saves time and reduces downtime, allowing you to respond swiftly to customer needs.

Quick Setup

The setup is quick and easy. No need for extensive planning or physical installations. This means you can focus on serving your clients rather than dealing with complex setups.

These features make wholesale SIP trunking a popular choice among businesses. It offers a reliable revenue stream, strengthens customer relationships, and simplifies administration, all while providing opportunities for increased profitability through value-added services.

How to Choose a Wholesale SIP Trunking Provider

Choosing the right wholesale SIP trunking provider is crucial for ensuring top-notch service and support. Here are the key factors to consider:

Provider Selection Criteria

Start by evaluating the provider’s reputation, reliability, and service quality. Look for providers with positive reviews and testimonials. A good reputation often indicates a history of satisfied customers and dependable service.

Reliability is paramount. Your business depends on uninterrupted communication, so choose a provider known for consistent uptime and minimal service disruptions. Service quality should also be top-notch, ensuring clear, high-quality calls.

Importance of a Tier-1 Network

A Tier-1 network is essential for high-quality service. Providers using Tier-1 networks have direct access to the internet backbone, which means fewer intermediaries and potential points of failure. This ensures:

  • High call reliability: Fewer dropped calls and better connection stability.
  • Minimal latency: Faster and clearer voice transmission.

A provider with direct access to a Tier-1 network offers more reliable and consistent communication capabilities, which is crucial for maintaining a professional image and customer satisfaction.

Compatibility with PBX Systems

Ensure the wholesale SIP trunking solution is compatible with various PBX systems. This flexibility allows you to serve a wide range of customers. Key systems to look for include:

  • Asterisk
  • Elastix
  • FreePBX

Compatibility with these popular platforms ensures you can cater to different business needs without facing integration issues. This adaptability makes your service more attractive to potential clients.

White Labeling Options

White labeling allows you to brand the service as your own. This means you can customize the interface, invoices, and communications with your logo and company details. Benefits of white labeling include:

  • Branding: Maintain your brand identity while using the provider’s technology.
  • Customer trust: Clients see your brand, which enhances loyalty and trust.

A provider offering white labeling options helps you reinforce your brand while delivering high-quality SIP trunking services.

By focusing on these criteria—provider reputation, Tier-1 network usage, system compatibility, and white labeling options—you can choose a wholesale SIP trunking provider that meets your business requirements. This careful selection ensures you provide reliable, high-quality service and reinforce your brand.

Setting Up Your Wholesale SIP Trunking Service

Setting up your wholesale SIP trunking service involves several key steps that ensure smooth and efficient operation. Let’s break down the essential aspects of provisioning, porting numbers, real-time configuration, and administration ease.

Provisioning and Porting Numbers

Provisioning your SIP trunk is straightforward and can be done quickly with the right platform. For instance, platforms like SIPTRUNK offer fully automated provisioning. This means you can start without cumbersome setup procedures. You can instantly order Direct Inward Dials (DIDs) or port your existing numbers in real-time, which simplifies the transition and integration into your existing systems.

Porting phone numbers is crucial for businesses transitioning to SIP trunking. It allows companies to retain their existing phone numbers, which is vital for maintaining business continuity. The best wholesale SIP trunk providers offer no-disruption number porting, meaning your business operations continue seamlessly as numbers are transferred to the new service.

Real-Time Configuration and Administration

Real-time configuration capabilities are a game-changer. They allow you to adjust your SIP trunk settings on the fly to accommodate changing business needs. Whether it’s scaling the number of channels up or down or tweaking call routing options, these adjustments can be made instantly through a user-friendly web portal.

Administration ease is paramount in managing a wholesale SIP trunking service. A self-serve management portal is essential, as it empowers you to handle billing, service modifications, and customer support without the need for constant provider interaction. This autonomy not only streamlines operations but also reduces downtime and increases your ability to respond to customer needs swiftly.

By focusing on these key areas, setting up and managing your wholesale SIP trunking service becomes a less daunting task. The ability to quickly provision services, port numbers without interruption, configure settings in real time, and efficiently administer the system are crucial for a successful deployment. These elements ensure that you can provide a reliable and flexible service that adapts to the dynamic needs of your business and your customers.

How many SIP trunks do you need?

The number of SIP trunks you need depends on your business’s call volume and specific requirements. Here are a few considerations:

  • Channels: Determine how many concurrent calls your customer’s business typically handles. Each SIP channel allows for one concurrent call.
  • Business Type: Different businesses have different needs. A call center may need more channels compared to a small office.
  • Scalability: One of the benefits of SIP trunking is its flexibility. You can start with a few channels and add more as your customers’ businesses grows.


Wholesale SIP trunking offers a modern, flexible, and cost-effective solution for business communications. By moving away from traditional phone lines and embracing SIP trunking, businesses can enjoy significant cost savings, scalability, and unified communications features. These benefits make reselling SIP trunking services an attractive option for businesses of all sizes and industries.

When looking for a wholesale SIP trunking provider, look for a platform that offers:

  • Instant Provisioning: Quickly set up SIP trunks through our self-serve portal or APIs.
  • Seamless Number Porting: Retain existing phone numbers with no disruption to your business operations.
  • Real-Time Configuration: Adjust SIP trunk settings on the fly to meet your business needs.
  • Ease of Administration: Manage billing, service modifications, and customer support through a user-friendly portal.

Ready to transform your business communications with wholesale SIP trunking? Get started with SIPTRUNK today and provide your customers with the modern telecom solutions they deserve.